Actress Gehana Vashishtha was summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on December 9 in connection with a money laundering case related to a porn content case. She appeared before ED officials at Ballard Estate in the afternoon and was interrogated for approximately 7 hours before being allowed to leave.¹
Gehana Vashishtha is an Indian actress, model, and television presenter who has worked in various films, television shows, and web series. Born on June 16, 1993, in Chirmiri, Chhattisgarh, she has gained recognition for her work in the entertainment industry.²
In a related development, businessman Raj Kundra has also been summoned by the ED in connection with the same case. Kundra has been linked to the production and distribution of pornographic content, and the ED is investigating his alleged involvement in money laundering activities related to this case.
The ED's investigation into the porn content case has been ongoing, with several individuals and companies being summoned for questioning. The agency is working to uncover the extent of money laundering and other financial irregularities related to the production and distribution of pornographic content.